Looking for other ways to store Raw Milk? Tired of broken glass or glass bottles tipping over in your vehicle? Tired of having to return them and making sure they are very clean? Sometimes it can be difficult getting milk stone removed from jars if they are not rinsed right away! How about freezing milk for later use? or perhaps you have goats, and you want to reuse these bags to freeze colostrum, the list is endless for their use.
They are perfect for smaller spaced refrigerators, coolers and freezers or putting raw milk right into your freezer. Customers love them for transporting this home to their own glass jars as well!
They are Non-Toxic food grade with NO BPA, PVC, or DEHP. Made with enviro-friendly premium PET, PA and PE plastics. It's clear, soft , flexible odorless and tasteless. Most durable and they are NOT thin.
Alot of people prefer this over glass because according to Recycle Across America, "More than 28 billion glass bottles and jars end up in landfills every year — that is the equivalent of filling up two Empire State Buildings every three weeks." Crazy I know! Glass bottles have a higher environmental footprint than plastic and other bottled container materials including drink cartons and aluminum cans. The mining of silica sand can cause significant environmental damage, ranging from land deterioration to the loss of biodiversity. Then throw in the fact that silica dust can pose a public health risk, as it can lead to acute silicosis, an irreversible, long-term lung disease. Extracting sand for glass production may also have contributed to the current global sand shortage. Sand is the second most-used resource in the world after water - people use some 50 billion tons of sand each year. Its uses range from land regeneration to microchips. According to the UN, sand is now used faster than it can be replenished. Then there is Co2 emissions during manufacturing, energy consumption both in production and recycling. Glass disposed of in landfills can take up to one million years to decompose. And I didn’t get into the parts of different colored glass. 🤯
I don’t often write reviews. However as a small business owner myself, reviews from customers are a pretty big deal ! They help us grow. So I felt it important for me to leave Guernsey Nursery Creamery my honest review. I love the simplicity of this farm. The milkhouse being simple and modern with an old world charm attached to a grand 1800’s bank barn ! I admire the tenacity of this couple’s drive to bring back and keep the farm alive. One thing is for certain you won’t regret purchasing this delicious raw milk ! So glad I found this farm 🤎
This raw A2A2 Guernsey milk is so delicious! My grandfather used to milk Jersey cows and I never cared for Jersey milk. I always wanted him to switch to Guernsey Cows but couldn’t talk him into it. Guernsey milk is my favorite. I know they are a more expensive breed but I believe they are well worth the golden price tag 😁 If you are on the fence Try it , you won’t be disappointed! What a beautiful little farm. I’ve included a picture of my hot chocolate using your raw milk. Thank you GNC !
I’m sure glad I found this little farm! The location is perfect, situated in a very quiet area. It’s literally the only farm on that road nestled between two hills. I love the fact that all the animals are on pasture and she doesn’t use a pipeline. I like knowing that I am purchasing my milk from a farm that uses a bucket milker because they can clean by hand all parts that the milk touches. You can’t do that with a pipeline! This lady is very passionate about quality of the milk too verses quantity and I really like that as well as sharing test results and not even having to ask. Funny thing is another raw dairy farm didn’t use to share their results up until recently LOL I’m also not impressed with a few other raw milk farm’s that have high SCC and they don’t test for things like BVD, BLV , Qfever and Johnes which I believe are more important then just the state requirement for TB and Brucellosis. I’m thankful to have found a farmer that truly cares about the health of her cows . Healthy cows means healthy milk ! Way to go Guernsey Nurse Creamery! 🥛 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟